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Error during st2sdk Pack check

I am trying to make a pack.
Install st2sdk,
When the “st2-check-register-pack-resources” command was executed, the following error occurred.
` find: ‘/ tmp / st2 / *’: No such file or directory. DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020.Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date.A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/st2/requirements.txt' `

Do I need anything under / tmp to create a Pack?

It looks like you didn’t pass path to the pack root directory to the script. How did you run st2-check-register-pack-resources script?

Here is an example of how we call that script as part of our StackStorm Exchange pack CI - ci/Makefile at master · StackStorm-Exchange/ci · GitHub.

Hi, Tomaz

Thank you for answering.

I should have written the arguments when running the command.
I am running with the pack directory specified on the command line as follows: Is there something wrong?

st2-check-register-pack-resources /root/packs/hmpack

That looks fine.

This command also relies on StackStorm/st2 git repo to be available locally. By default, it looks for it in /tmp/st2.

The easiest way to get it to work is to clone into /tmp/st2 and then run that script.

Here is you can how that happens as part of our pack CI - ci/dependencies at master · StackStorm-Exchange/ci · GitHub.

If you already have the repo cloned, you can also point it to the right location using ST2_REPO_PATH environment variable.


Thank you for answering.

It can be done by setting git clone or ST2_REPO_PATH.

I will check it. Thank you.