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How to clear stackstorm datastore

Hi can you pls tell me how to clear keyvalue pairs in datastore. right now I have key values pairs like
“encrypted”: false,
“name”: “ocid1.tenancy.oc1.xxxy2123423”,
“scope”: “st2kv.user”,
“secret”: true,
“user”: “scouser”,
“value”: "{“deployment_info_sync_path”: “}”
and another one like this with the same name but the user is different

“encrypted”: false,
“name”: “ocid1.tenancy.oc1.xxxy2123423”,
“scope”: “st2kv.user”,
“secret”: true,
“user”: “scuser”,
“value”: "{“deployment_info_sync_path”: “}”

I want to delete the one with the user value scouser. If I give command like st2 key delete ( I am not aware how to frame the scouser here since the 2 users have the same name(requirement))

also if i give st2 key delete ocid1.tenancy.oc1.xxxy2123423 it is not even deleting a single record. Please tell me how to filter and delete scouser here ? As I am new to stackstorm appreciate your help.

It’s possible with the StackStorm CLI, Datastore — StackStorm 3.1.0 documentation

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