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Hubot dies with The user has sent too many requests

I am trying to setup chatops using the Cisco Spark (Webex Teams) plug. After about 30 seconds Hubot dies with the following.

[Tue Jul 30 2019 12:02:32 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)] ERROR BadRequest: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please refer to the Retry-After response header to wait before making a new request.
WEBEX_TRACKING_ID: spark-js-sdk_*******

at BadRequest.ExtendableBuiltin (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/common/dist/exception.js:50:44)
at BadRequest.Exception (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/common/dist/exception.js:99:142)
at BadRequest.HttpError (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/http-error.js:70:125)
at BadRequest.SparkHttpError (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/spark-core/dist/lib/spark-http-error.js:48:135)
at new BadRequest (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/http-error-subtypes.js:64:129)
at HttpStatusInterceptor.onResponse (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/interceptors/http-status.js:99:39)
at /opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/request/index.js:72:41
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[Tue Jul 30 2019 12:02:32 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)] ERROR BadRequest: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. Please refer to the Retry-After response header to wait before making a new request.
WEBEX_TRACKING_ID: spark-js-sdk_*********

at BadRequest.ExtendableBuiltin (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/common/dist/exception.js:50:44)
at BadRequest.Exception (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/common/dist/exception.js:99:142)
at BadRequest.HttpError (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/http-error.js:70:125)
at BadRequest.SparkHttpError (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/spark-core/dist/lib/spark-http-error.js:48:135)
at new BadRequest (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/http-error-subtypes.js:64:129)
at HttpStatusInterceptor.onResponse (/opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/interceptors/http-status.js:99:39)
at /opt/stackstorm/chatops/node_modules/@ciscospark/http-core/dist/request/index.js:72:41
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

[Tue Jul 30 2019 12:02:32 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)] INFO Hubot will shut down

The interesting things is that I wrote a script to try sending messages directly to the API and I was able to send 100 as fast as it could execute. Is their a setting for the Spark plugin that needs to be adjusted?

Did you configure st2chatops to use the same Spark credentials that your script used? Different Spark accounts may have different API limits.

Yes I used the same Spark credentials