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Install Pack Succeeded but st2 pack list can't see it

I Installed Slack pack but can not see it use pack list cmd:

st2 pack install slack

For the "slack" pack, the following content will be registered:

rules     |  0
sensors   |  1
triggers  |  0
actions   |  113
aliases   |  0

Installation may take a while for packs with many items.

	[     succeeded      ] download pack
	[     succeeded      ] make a prerun
	[     succeeded      ] install pack dependencies
	[     succeeded      ] register pack

| Property    | Value                                          |
| name        | slack                                          |
| description | st2 content pack containing slack integrations |
| version     | 0.6.3                                          |
| author      | StackStorm, Inc.                               |
()[root@st2api-76874b4c8f-hr82x stackstorm]# st2 pack list | grep slack
()[root@st2api-76874b4c8f-hr82x stackstorm]#                           

I can see the slack pack code and it’s virtualenv

()[root@st2api-76874b4c8f-hr82x slack]# pwd
()[root@st2api-76874b4c8f-hr82x slack]# ls  actions	bin  circle.yml  config.schema.yaml  etc  icon.png  pack.yaml  requirements.txt  sensors  slack.yaml.example
()[root@st2api-76874b4c8f-hr82x slack]# cd ../../virtualenvs/slack/
()[root@st2api-76874b4c8f-hr82x slack]# ls
bin  include  lib  lib64  pip-selfcheck.json  src

Just don’t know why … some other packs that installed successfully I can see in the pack list

st2 pack list
| ref                | name               | description                                | version | author                         |
| acos               | acos               | StackStorm pack for ACOS-based appliances  | 0.2.4   | Hiroyasu OHYAMA                |
|                    |                    | of A10 Networks.                           |         |                                |
| activecampaign     | activecampaign     | Integration with ActiveCampaign            | 0.3.2   | DoriftoShoes                   |
| activedirectory    | activedirectory    | StackStorm integration pack for working    | 0.1.2   | Encore Technologies            |
|                    |                    | with Microsoft Active Directory.           |         |                                |
| alertlogic         | alertlogic         | AlertLogic ActiveIntegration APIs          | 0.2.1   | Jon Middleton                  |
| ansible            | ansible            | st2 content pack containing ansible        | 0.5.3   | StackStorm, Inc.               |
|                    |                    | integrations                               |         |                                |

How many packs do you have installed? More than 100?

Yes, I installed more than 100 packs, but it seems that the st2 pack list can’t show them all.

My guess is that it’s a pagination thing. Probably defaults to only listing the first 100

Oh, is there a way to change the default more than 100?

Actually the st2 pack list showing less than 100

How many? 50?

sorry, it’s showing 100 results

Probably still related to pagination, and that issue above.

Right, my st2 version is 2.6.0, and the --last is not supported for st2 pack list

You may be able to change max_page_size - I’m not sure if this will help or not. st2/st2.conf.sample at 74d05664112b65f8b5c7bbc889fcde966eb579fa · StackStorm/st2 · GitHub

I tried add this max_page_size = 200 to st2.conf and restart st2api no help with this.

allow_origin = *
host =
logging = /etc/st2/logging.api.conf
mask_secrets = true
max_page_size = 200
port = 9101

Did st2 pack list count change after increasing max_page_size?

It would be helpful to first double check that slack pack content is indeed loaded and available in StackStorm via:

st2 action list --pack st2

If you see slack pack actions and you don’t see slack in st2 pack list output, - then it’s definitely a bug.
Must be reported in Issues · StackStorm/st2 · GitHub

  1. There is no count change after increasing max_page_size.

2.Yes I can see slack action

st2 action list --pack slack
| ref                           | pack  | description                                       |
| slack.api.test                | slack | This method helps you test your calling code.     |
| slack.auth.revoke             | slack | This method revokes an access token. Use it when  |
|                               |       | you no longer need a token. For example, with a   |
|                               |       | Sign In With Slack app, call this to log a user   |
|                               |       | out.                                              |
| slack.auth.test               | slack | This method checks authentication and tells you   |
|                               |       | who you are.                                      |

Created the issue