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Multiple commands for remote-shell-cmd?

Hello! Is it possible to run more than one command with the remote-shell-cmd runner? Or do I need a remote-shell-script?


You can run more than one command by separating the commands with a semicolon.

Thanks. That seems kinda lame. I was hoping a list of commands would work, e.g.:

  - do this
  - do that
  - do another thing

That seems kinda lame.


You can run multiple actions/tasks/commands at the same time in an Orquesta workflow. Something like this:

    action: noop
      - do: cmd_1
      - do: cmd_2
      - do: cmd_3
    action: ...
    action: ...
    action: ...

Another option is to write a MultipleCommandActionRunner that accepts a list of commands to run in the cmds key and runs all of them, but that’s probably more advanced StackStorm usage.