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Orquesta and Arrays

In our actions, we simply pass an array type into our python script. How can I do this for inputs in orquesta and leave the array as is. I don’t wanna do the “with items” thing, but simply pass the array into python and let my code use the array.

Just pass the array variable into the task as an input parameter.

Instead of:

  - input_array

    with: <% ctx().input_array %>
    action: ...
        one_item: <% item() %>

you just pass in the array itself:

  - input_array

    action: ...
        all_items: <% ctx().input_array %>

Is this not working for you?

That is how I had it originally, this crashes the UI Editor in st2web when you click on the task. Regardless if the browser is Firefox, chrome, or safari. Silly me, thinking that since it crashes I was doing something wrong and never tested it this way… and golly gee… it works. Thanks for the quick response and I will ignore the editor and use intellij. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, the web UI needs more work done on it both for stability and for features. If you know any JS developers, please point them in our direction. Us ST2 devs are very friendly! :slight_smile:

Oh, I know… you guys rock. As a customer I love using st2. Been advocating it for years now. Since about 2016/17 … we are moving all our code to st2 v3, py3 and k8. Lots of good things in the st2 ver3.x. Takes some getting use to. Orquesta has been on the radar for a long time and sorry for any silly ass questions. :smiley:

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No worries about having basic or “silly” questions. Orquesta is a beautiful, well designed, yet complex engine that breaks from a lot of prior art, so having questions about the fundamentals is totally expected.

Glad to hear that you’re a long time ST2 advocate. Thank you for that! :slight_smile: