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Problem auth st2 when resume workflow from another workflow or webhook

Hi, I have a mistral workflow in pause and I want resume from another workflow with:

st2 execute resume “ID_workflow” -t “token”

but the ouput is

ERROR: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized
MESSAGE: Unauthorized - One of Token or API key required. for url: http://st2api:9101/executions/5bf2d5b8b2efc800159997f8

The token its ok becouse when i use the following command works fine:

st2 execution list -t token

I tried use a webhook but get the same problem, so the question is how to resume workflow with another workflow or webhook?

What does your workflow YAML look like? My first guess is that you’re not passing the token properly.

Hi, I tried with command st2 execute resume “workflow_id” -t “token” and get the same problem but not if I use st2 execute list -t “token”.
For now my solution is put credentials in /root/.st2/config

What does your workflow YAML look like?

Hi, now I put credentiales st2 in /root/.st2/config becouse the command st2 execution resume “workflow_id” -t “token” isn’t working for me.

name: “obtener_workflowid”
ref: “core.local_sudo”
cmd: “cat /opt/stackstorm/packs/default/event_workflow_id/{{message2}}”
on-success: “reanudar_workflow”

        name: "reanudar_workflow"
        ref: "core.local_sudo"
            cmd: "st2 execution resume {{obtener_workflowid.stdout}}"

name: “reanudar_workflow”
ref: “core.local_sudo”
cmd: “st2 execution resume {{obtener_workflowid.stdout}} -t {{token}}”

In this case I check why failed the workflow with commando st2 execution get workflowid and the error is permission deny for execute st2 execution resume.