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Reg AutoScaling Swarm

Hello Dimitri,

We are able to configure StackStorm however the rule swarm.on_pending_scaleup_aws is not running due to DesiredCapacity: “{{ st2kv.system.count | int + 1 }}”, we don’t have any action under st2 action list -p st2 with a name st2kv.system.count.

Could you please share the .py so we may create an action & use the auto scaling.

Thanks & Regards
Sumit Roopchandani

That’s not an action - that’s a way of referencing a datastore value. See Datastore — StackStorm 2.10.1 documentation

Hello Lindsay,

I was able to get that after some research, we ran the below steps

st2 key set asg.workers 2

the output of that is below

st2 run core.local cmd="echo {{ st2kv.system.asg.workers }}"

id: 5c40ea696614950198562556
status: succeeded
  cmd: echo 2
  failed: false
  return_code: 0
  stderr: ''
  stdout: 2
  succeeded: true

We have used the StackStorm link “Autoscaling Swarm on AWS with StackStorm - StackStorm” for reference.

Along with that have used GitHub link “GitHub - dzimine/swarm_scaling: StackStorm Automation pack for auto scaling Docker Swarm Cluster based on container load.”.

Some changes that we have done as we were not able to register the swarm pack due to old runner_type: “run-python” changed to runner_type: “python-script” .

We are still not able to scale out, however if we manually run “st2 run swarm.pending_queue” it gives the output

id: 5c40ec086614950198562559
status: succeeded
parameters: None
  exit_code: 0
      **pending_count: 2**
  stderr: ''
  stdout: ''

Also if we manually scale out using “st2 run aws.autoscaling_update_auto_scaling_group AutoScalingGroupName=swarm-workers-tf DesiredCapacity=2

id: 5c40ec59661495019856255c
status: succeeded
  AutoScalingGroupName: swarm-workers-tf
  **DesiredCapacity: 2**
  exit_code: 0
  - ResponseMetadata:
        content-length: '231'
        content-type: text/xml
        date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 20:58:02 GMT
        x-amzn-requestid: 94450e97-1a9a-11e9-9519-1344f237d568
      HTTPStatusCode: 200
      RequestId: 94450e97-1a9a-11eAWS.9-1344f237d568
      RetryAttempts: 0
  stderr: ''
  stdout: ''

This changes the desired capacity & creates a new node in AWS.

Now either the sensor is not working or trigger is not working, when we reload action / rules using st2ctl reload it gives the below output .

root@ip-10-12-4-78:/opt/stackstorm/packs/swarm/rules# st2ctl reload

Registering content...[flags = --config-file /etc/st2/st2.conf --register-runners --register-actions --register-aliases --register-sensors --register-triggers --register-configs --register-rules]

2019-01-17 20:39:59,855 INFO [-] Connecting to database "st2" @ "" as user "None".

2019-01-17 20:39:59,859 INFO [-] Successfully connected to database "st2" @ "" as user "None".

2019-01-17 20:40:00,171 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:40:00,172 INFO [-] ############## Registering triggers #####################

2019-01-17 20:40:00,172 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:40:00,434 INFO [-] Registered 0 triggers.

2019-01-17 20:40:00,434 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:40:00,434 INFO [-] ############## Registering sensors ######################

2019-01-17 20:40:00,434 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:40:00,556 INFO [-] Registered 4 sensors.

2019-01-17 20:40:00,556 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:40:00,556 INFO [-] ############## Registering runners ######################

2019-01-17 20:40:00,556 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:40:01,457 INFO [-] Registered 18 runners.

2019-01-17 20:40:01,458 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:40:01,458 INFO [-] ############## Registering actions ######################

2019-01-17 20:40:01,458 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:41:34,480 INFO [-] Registered 3673 actions.

2019-01-17 20:41:34,480 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:41:34,480 INFO [-] ############## Registering rules ########################

2019-01-17 20:41:34,480 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:41:34,600 INFO [-] Registered 6 rules.

2019-01-17 20:41:34,600 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:41:34,601 INFO [-] ############## Registering aliases ######################

2019-01-17 20:41:34,601 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:41:34,774 INFO [-] Registered 14 aliases.

2019-01-17 20:41:34,774 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:41:34,774 INFO [-] ############## Registering configs ######################

2019-01-17 20:41:34,774 INFO [-] =========================================================

2019-01-17 20:41:34,774 INFO [-] Registered 0 configs.

##### st2 components status #####

st2actionrunner PID: 32576

st2actionrunner PID: 32579

st2actionrunner PID: 32583

st2actionrunner PID: 32586

st2actionrunner PID: 32589

st2actionrunner PID: 32592

st2actionrunner PID: 32595

st2actionrunner PID: 32598

st2actionrunner PID: 32602

st2actionrunner PID: 32605

st2api PID: 408

st2api PID: 32611

st2stream PID: 409

st2stream PID: 32615

st2auth PID: 410

st2auth PID: 32620

st2garbagecollector PID: 32624

st2notifier PID: 32628

st2resultstracker PID: 32632

st2rulesengine PID: 32636

st2sensorcontainer PID: 32640

st2chatops is not running.

st2timersengine PID: 32651

st2workflowengine PID: 32655

st2scheduler PID: 32659

mistral-server PID: 32721

mistral.api PID: 441

mistral.api PID: 442

mistral.api PID: 32684

It says registering triggers & the registers 0 trigger however when we run “st2 trigger list” it shows below output

| ref                                  | pack  | description                                          |
| aws.service_notification             | aws   | Trigger which represents a service notification      |
| aws.sqs_new_message                  | aws   | Trigger which indicates that a new message has       |
|                                      |       | arrived                                              |
| core.st2.CronTimer                   | core  | Triggers whenever current time matches the specified |
|                                      |       | time constaints like a UNIX cron scheduler.          |
| core.st2.DateTimer                   | core  | Triggers exactly once when the current time matches  |
|                                      |       | the specified time. e.g. timezone:UTC                |
|                                      |       | date:2014-12-31 23:59:59.                            |
| core.st2.IntervalTimer               | core  | Triggers on specified intervals. e.g. every 30s,     |
|                                      |       | 1week etc.                                           |
| core.st2.action.file_writen          | core  | Trigger encapsulating action file being written on   |
|                                      |       | disk.                                                |
| core.st2.generic.actiontrigger       | core  | Trigger encapsulating the completion of an action    |
|                                      |       | execution.                                           |
| core.st2.generic.inquiry             | core  | Trigger indicating a new "inquiry" has entered       |
|                                      |       | "pending" status                                     |
| core.st2.generic.notifytrigger       | core  | Notification trigger.                                |
| core.st2.key_value_pair.create       | core  | Trigger encapsulating datastore item creation.       |
| core.st2.key_value_pair.delete       | core  | Trigger encapsulating datastore item deletion.       |
| core.st2.key_value_pair.update       | core  | Trigger encapsulating datastore set action.          |
| core.st2.key_value_pair.value_change | core  | Trigger encapsulating a change of datastore item     |
|                                      |       | value.                                               |
| core.st2.sensor.process_exit         | core  | Trigger indicating sensor process is stopped.        |
| core.st2.sensor.process_spawn        | core  | Trigger indicating sensor process is started up.     |
| core.st2.webhook                     | core  | Trigger type for registering webhooks that can       |
|                                      |       | consume arbitrary payload.                           |
| linux.file_watch.line                | linux | Trigger which indicates a new line has been detected |
| swarm.pending_tasks                  | swarm | Swarm pending tasks count cross over/under threshold |

The output of “st2 sensor list” is below

| ref                            | pack  | description                             | enabled |
| linux.FileWatchSensor          | linux | Sensor which monitors files for new     | True    |
|                                |       | lines                                   |         |
| swarm.SwarmPendingTasksSensor  | swarm | Swarm pending queue sensor              | True    |
| aws.ServiceNotificationsSensor | aws   | Sensor which exposes an HTTP interface  | True    |
|                                |       | and listens for AWS service             |         |
|                                |       | notifications delivered via AWS SNS     |         |
| aws.AWSSQSSensor               | aws   | Sensor which monitors a SQS queue for   | True    |
|                                |       | new messages                            |         |

Thanks & Regards
Sumit Roopchandani

Hello Lindsay,

Yesterday I shared some details, however, did some more digging in the issue. Below are the findings

  1. Have to manually start a sensor container in order to make the sensor work, used the follwoing command to run the sensor in debug mode:

    /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/st2sensorcontainer --config-file=/etc/st2/st2.conf --debug --sensor-ref=swarm.SwarmPendingTasksSensor

  2. The trigger only works once even if there are pending tasks sensor shows, it gives this particular error:
    Have uploaded the screenshot of the success of trigger. However, post that it keep on giving below error

    2019-01-18 19:47:02,284 DEBUG [-] 1 active sensor(s)

    2019-01-18 19:47:03,432 DEBUG [-] http://localhost:None “GET /v1.35/tasks?filters=%7B%22desired-state%22%3A+%5B%22running%22%5D%7D HTTP/1.1” 200 None

    2019-01-18 19:47:03,433 DEBUG [-] Not dispatching trigger swarm.pending_tasks: over=True threshold=0 count=1

  3. The datastore value is a fix value, & need a method to update the value once the rule is run.

    root@ip-10-12-4-78:~# st2 key list
    | name | value | secret | encrypted | scope | user | expire_timestamp |
    | asg.workers | 3 | False | False | st2kv.system | | |

    Below are the outputs of rule-enforcement list , rule-tester, trigger-instance list & execution list

    root@ip-10-12-4-78:~# st2 rule-enforcement list --rule=swarm.on_pending_scaleup_aws

    | id | rule.ref | trigger_instance_id | execution_id | enforced_at |
    | 5c422c746614957f7cae56c3 | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c422c746614957f7cae56bf | 5c422c746614957f7cae56c2 | 2019-01-18T19:43:48.461298 |
    | | ws | | | Z |
    | 5c41cc1a6614957f7cae56af | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c41cc1a6614957f7cae56ab | 5c41cc1a6614957f7cae56ae | 2019-01-18T12:52:42.577356 |
    | | ws | | | Z |
    | 5c41c9ba6614957f7cae5699 | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c41c9ba6614957f7cae5695 | 5c41c9ba6614957f7cae5698 | 2019-01-18T12:42:34.763958 |
    | | ws | | | Z |
    | 5c41c8486614957f7cae567d | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c41c8486614957f7cae5679 | 5c41c8486614957f7cae567c | 2019-01-18T12:36:24.470565 |
    | | ws | | | Z |
    | 5c41c7126614957f7cae5661 | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c41c7126614957f7cae565d | 5c41c7126614957f7cae5660 | 2019-01-18T12:31:14.186136 |
    | | ws | | | Z |
    | 5c41c5aa6614957f7cae564d | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c41c5a96614957f7cae5649 | 5c41c5aa6614957f7cae564c | 2019-01-18T12:25:13.935784 |
    | | ws | | | Z |
    | 5c41c3bb6614957f7cae563d | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c41c3ba6614957f7cae5639 | 5c41c3bb6614957f7cae563c | 2019-01-18T12:16:58.843185 |
    | | ws | | | Z |
    | 5c41c32e6614957f7cae562d | swarm.on_pending_scaleup_a | 5c41c32e6614957f7cae5629 | 5c41c32e6614957f7cae562c | 2019-01-18T12:14:38.386350 |
    | | ws | | | Z |

    root@ip-10-12-4-78:~# st2-rule-tester --trigger-instance-id=5c422c746614957f7cae56bf --rule-ref=swarm.on_pending_scaleup_aws

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,631 INFO [-] Connecting to database “st2” @ “” as user “None”.

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,634 INFO [-] Successfully connected to database “st2” @ “” as user “None”.

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,781 INFO [-] Validating rule swarm.on_pending_scaleup_aws for pending_tasks.

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,804 INFO [-] 1 rule(s) found to enforce for pending_tasks.

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,808 INFO [-] Failed to retrieve config for pack <Mock name=‘mock.pack’ id=‘140359798560976’> and user stanley: ‘Mock’ object is not iterable

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,816 INFO [-] Action parameters resolved to:

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,816 INFO [-] AutoScalingGroupName: swarm-workers-tf

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,816 INFO [-] DesiredCapacity: 3

    2019-01-18 19:53:08,817 INFO [-] === RULE MATCHES ===

    oot@ip-10-12-4-78:~# st2 trigger-instance list --trigger=swarm.pending_tasks

    | id | trigger | occurrence_time | status |
    | 5c41c32e6614957f7cae5629 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:14:38 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c3926614957f7cae5633 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:16:18 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c3ba6614957f7cae5639 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:16:58 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c41e6614957f7cae5643 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:18:38 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c5a96614957f7cae5649 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:25:13 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c6c26614957f7cae5657 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:29:54 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c7126614957f7cae565d | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:31:14 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c83e6614957f7cae5673 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:36:14 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c8486614957f7cae5679 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:36:24 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c9ab6614957f7cae568f | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:42:19 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41c9ba6614957f7cae5695 | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:42:34 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41ca056614957f7cae569f | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:43:49 UTC | processed |
    | 5c41cc1a6614957f7cae56ab | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:52:42 UTC | processed |
    | 5c422c746614957f7cae56bf | swarm.pending_tasks | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 19:43:48 UTC | processed |

    root@ip-10-12-4-78:~# st2 execution list

    | id | action.ref | context.user | status | start_timestamp | end_timestamp |
    | 5c40a6df6614950198562476 | aws.autoscaling_update | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 16:01:34 UTC | 16:01:35 UTC |
    | 5c40a7406614950198562479 | aws.autoscaling_update | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 16:03:12 UTC | 16:03:13 UTC |
    | 5c40a7c1661495019856247c | aws.autoscaling_update | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 16:05:21 UTC | 16:05:22 UTC |
    | 5c40bbb5661495019856247f | swarm.pending_queue | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 17:30:29 UTC | 17:30:29 UTC |
    | 5c40bbd56614950198562482 | swarm.pending_queue | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 17:31:01 UTC | 17:31:02 UTC |
    | 5c40bc126614950198562485 | swarm.pending_queue | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 17:32:02 UTC | 17:32:03 UTC |
    | 5c40bcaf6614950198562488 | aws.autoscaling_update | testu | succeeded (2s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 17:34:39 UTC | 17:34:41 UTC |
    | 5c40bf8c661495019856248b | aws.autoscaling_update | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 17:46:52 UTC | 17:46:53 UTC |
    | 5c40c115661495019856248e | packs.install | testu | succeeded (18s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 17:53:25 UTC | 17:53:43 UTC |
    | 5c40c19b6614950198562525 | packs.uninstall | testu | succeeded (4s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 17:55:39 UTC | 17:55:43 UTC |
    | 5c40c4306614950198562528 | swarm.pending_queue | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 18:06:40 UTC | 18:06:41 UTC |
    | 5c40d7b3661495019856252b | swarm.node_count | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 19:29:55 UTC | 19:29:56 UTC |
    | 5c40dce4661495019856252f | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 19:52:04 UTC | 19:52:04 UTC |
    | 5c40dcef6614950198562532 | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 19:52:15 UTC | 19:52:15 UTC |
    | 5c40e1a36614950198562535 | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:12:19 UTC | 20:12:19 UTC |
    | 5c40e1aa6614950198562538 | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:12:26 UTC | 20:12:26 UTC |
    | 5c40e1b0661495019856253b | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:12:32 UTC | 20:12:32 UTC |
    | 5c40e1fc661495019856253e | core.local | testu | failed (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:13:48 UTC | 20:13:48 UTC |
    | 5c40e2026614950198562541 | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:13:54 UTC | 20:13:54 UTC |
    | 5c40e2486614950198562544 | swarm.node_count | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:15:04 UTC | 20:15:04 UTC |
    | 5c40e2856614950198562547 | core.local | testu | failed (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:16:05 UTC | 20:16:05 UTC |
    | 5c40e6bf661495019856254a | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:34:07 UTC | 20:34:07 UTC |
    | 5c40e6ca661495019856254d | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:34:18 UTC | 20:34:18 UTC |
    | 5c40e7a46614950198562550 | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:37:56 UTC | 20:37:56 UTC |
    | 5c40e9226614950198562553 | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:44:18 UTC | 20:44:18 UTC |
    | 5c40ea696614950198562556 | core.local | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:49:45 UTC | 20:49:45 UTC |
    | 5c40ec086614950198562559 | swarm.pending_queue | testu | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 20:56:40 UTC | 20:56:40 UTC |
    | 5c40ec59661495019856255c | aws.autoscaling_update | testu | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 | Thu, 17 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 20:58:01 UTC | 20:58:02 UTC |
    | 5c41c32e6614957f7cae562c | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (2s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 12:14:38 UTC | 12:14:40 UTC |
    | 5c41c32e6614957f7cae562f | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:14:38 UTC | 12:14:39 UTC |
    | 5c41c3926614957f7cae5636 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:16:18 UTC | 12:16:18 UTC |
    | 5c41c3bb6614957f7cae563c | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (3s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 12:16:58 UTC | 12:17:01 UTC |
    | 5c41c3bb6614957f7cae563f | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:16:59 UTC | 12:17:00 UTC |
    | 5c41c41e6614957f7cae5646 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:18:38 UTC | 12:18:38 UTC |
    | 5c41c5aa6614957f7cae564c | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (2s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 12:25:13 UTC | 12:25:15 UTC |
    | 5c41c5aa6614957f7cae564f | core.local | stanley | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:25:14 UTC | 12:25:14 UTC |
    | 5c41c6c26614957f7cae565a | core.local | stanley | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:29:54 UTC | 12:29:54 UTC |
    | 5c41c7126614957f7cae5660 | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (2s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 12:31:14 UTC | 12:31:16 UTC |
    | 5c41c7126614957f7cae5663 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:31:14 UTC | 12:31:15 UTC |
    | 5c41c83e6614957f7cae5676 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (0s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:36:14 UTC | 12:36:14 UTC |
    | 5c41c8486614957f7cae567c | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 12:36:24 UTC | 12:36:25 UTC |
    | 5c41c8486614957f7cae567f | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:36:24 UTC | 12:36:25 UTC |
    | 5c41c9ab6614957f7cae5692 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:42:19 UTC | 12:42:20 UTC |
    | 5c41c9ba6614957f7cae5698 | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 12:42:34 UTC | 12:42:35 UTC |
    | 5c41c9ba6614957f7cae569b | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:42:34 UTC | 12:42:35 UTC |
    | 5c41ca056614957f7cae56a2 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:43:49 UTC | 12:43:50 UTC |
    | 5c41cc1a6614957f7cae56ae | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (2s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 12:52:42 UTC | 12:52:44 UTC |
    | 5c41cc1a6614957f7cae56b1 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 12:52:42 UTC | 12:52:43 UTC |
    | 5c422c746614957f7cae56c2 | aws.autoscaling_update | stanley | succeeded (2s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | _auto_scaling_group | | | 19:43:48 UTC | 19:43:50 UTC |
    | 5c422c746614957f7cae56c5 | core.local | stanley | succeeded (1s elapsed) | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 | Fri, 18 Jan 2019 |
    | | | | | 19:43:48 UTC | 19:43:49 UTC |
    | Note: Only first 50 action executions are displayed. Use -n/–last flag for more results. |

The forum supports markdown for formatting code & logs. Or you can use the formatting buttons. Can you edit that post to use code blocks for the code & logs content? It makes it much easier to read.

@sumitchandani I’ll try and find time to look at the details next week (hope you’ll mark-down the logs by then for better read as @lhill suggested); given it’s been done over a year ago it might be a bit too involving and it’s not easy to make time to it… but we’ll see.

Meantime coupe of pointers.

  1. The threshold must be set up first, by setting up the configuration according to this schema
  2. Based on your screenshot I don’t see the error - the trigger fired an instance. “No suitable node” is likely (again, I am forgetting) the payload of Swarm call, it should be ok.
  3. New StackStorm WebUI has great facilities for looking at rule invocations and trigger instances that makes it immensely easier to find out if the trigger fired, if a fired trigger tripped a rule, if the rule worked or errored out, and if the action had been scheduled or not - the whole pipeline. Take a closer look.

Hello Lindsay,

I have emailed the entire details as was not able to format the logs here at forum in real time

Sumit Roopchandani

There’s a “pencil” icon on your posts. Click that

You can then edit your post, including using the “code” block button.

Or just use markdown syntax. It’s the same as Github markdown. Just takes a few seconds to add the right formatting, makes it much easier for people to read.