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St2chatops - MS Teams and botframework web chat no response from hubot

I have followed the guides to integrate st2chatops with MS Teams. i have run the script which shows no problems, i can also see my message reaches the server but i dont get any response within MS Teams or even the web chat. here are the logs from journalctl --unit=st2chatops

(British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: pack search - Search for packs in StackStorm Exchange and other directories.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: pack search {{ query }} - Search for packs in StackStorm Exchange and other directories.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: pack show - Show information about the pack from StackStorm Exchange.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: pack show {{ pack }} - Show information about the pack from StackStorm Exchange.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} actions - List available StackStorm actions.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} actions from {{ pack }} - List available StackStorm actions.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 get execution {{ id }} - Retrieve details for a single execution.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 show execution {{ id }} - Retrieve details for a single execution.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 executions get {{ id }} - Retrieve details for a single execution.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 executions show {{ id }} - Retrieve details for a single execution.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} executions - List available StackStorm executions.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} executions with status {{ status }} - List available StackStorm executions.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} executions for action {{ action }} - List available StackStorm executions.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 re-run execution {{ id }} - Re-run an action execution.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 executions re-run {{ id }} - Re-run an action execution.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 respond to inquiry {{ id }} with {{ response }} - Respond to an Inquiry
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} rules - List available StackStorm rules.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} rules from {{ pack }} - List available StackStorm rules.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} sensors - List available StackStorm sensors.
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Added command: st2 list {{ limit=10 }} sensors from {{ pack }} - List available StackStorm sensors.
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO 20 commands are loaded
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-adapter: onBotEvents
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-adapter: Handling activity Channel: msteams; type: message
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-middleware: creating middleware…
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-msteams: Restricting tenants to [“62d71ced-3a63-4055-9d95-32d3c3a31714”]
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-msteams: toReceivable
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Message ‘hubot hlep’ matched regex //^\s*[@]?(?:hubot[:,]?|![:,]?)\s*(?:([\s\S]+?))/i/; listener.options = { id: null } 00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Executing listener callback for Message 'hubot hlep' 00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Got command in normalizeCommand: "hlep" 00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-adapter: onBotEvents 00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-adapter: Handling activity Channel: msteams; type: message 00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-middleware: creating middleware... 00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-msteams: Restricting tenants to ["62d71ced-3a63-4055-9d95-32d3c3a31714"] 00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-msteams: toReceivable 00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Message 'hubot help' matched regex //^\s*[@]?(?:hubot[:,]?|![:,]?)\s*(?:([\s\S]+?))/i/; listener.options = { id: null }
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Executing listener callback for Message ‘hubot help’
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Got command in normalizeCommand: “help”
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Message ‘hubot help’ matched regex //^\s*[@]?(?:hubot[:,]?|![:,]?)\s*(?:help(?:\s+(.*))?$)/i/; listener.options = { id: null }
00 (British Summer Time)] DEBUG Executing listener callback for Message ‘hubot help’
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-adapter: send
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-adapter: reply
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-botframework-middleware: creating middleware…
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-msteams: Restricting tenants to [“62d71ced-3a63-4055-9d95-32d3c3a31714”]
00 (British Summer Time)] INFO hubot-msteams: toSendable

Check that your bot application manifest file was loaded correctly into MS Teams.

Hi, thanks for the reply. the manifest file is practically identical except the App id. also if i PM the chatbot i can see that the message gets through from teams in the logs using journalctl --unit=st2chatops.
i just dont get any sort of response back to teams or to the web chat at the botframework website.

Unfortunately the MS Teams adapter is new (so we really don’t have a lot of troubleshooting experience with it) and complicated (Teams assumes that all integrations would be SaaS instead of self-hosted), so it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact issues.

At this point, it sounds like st2chatops is passing the message back to Azure/BotFramework, but for whatever reason it isn’t making it to MS Teams.

I would manually add some more debugging to the BotFramework libraries in node_modules to make sure every message is getting a 200 OK response from BotFramework, and then review your BotFramework logs.

first of all I managed to get the bot working from botframework but not from Teams yet
In a Microsoft’s forum support said that you have to publish your bot with https and a valid certificate.
I published my bot to internet using port 8443 and changed the bot’s registration in bot framework from http://url/api/messages to https://url:8443/bot
In nginx config I added this:

    listen 8443 ssl;

    ssl_certificate      /etc/ssl/st2/ServerCertificate.cer; <= Your valid certificate
    ssl_certificate_key  /etc/ssl/st2/ServerCertificate.key; <= Your certificate's key

    ssl_session_cache    shared:SSL:10m;
    ssl_session_timeout  1d;
    ssl_ciphers EECDH+AESGCM:EECDH+AES;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers  on;

    access_log     /var/log/nginx/webchat.access.log combined;
    error_log      /var/log/nginx/webchat.error.log;

    location /bot {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8081/api/messages;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;


Don’t forget to open 8443 to Internet in your firewall and reload nginx config
I hope this helps