We have developed a version of our Stackstorm pack and other objects in Stackstorm Version 3.2 installed on a system that has stackstorm with Python 2.7.5
But now as part of our upgrade process, we are planning to use Python 3.6 instead of 2.7 version.
For this
- We installed stackstorm 3.3 and default python 2.7.5 and python3 3.6.8.
- mannually placed all the python python3.6 libraries into /opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/ folder.
- We modified our Pack.yaml files to point to Python 3 , and forced to install using python3 virtual environment.
Issue: After making the changes we are getting the following error:
Virtual environment (/opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/servicenow_pack) for pack “servicenow_pack” is using
Python 3.
Using Python 3 virtual environments in mixed deployments is only supported for Python runner
actions and not sensors. If you want to run this sensor, please re-recreate the
virtual environment with python2 binary:
“st2 run packs.setup_virtualenv packs=servicenow_pack python3=false”
Also attached the full error: