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Whiel creating docker image using docker file mentioned in github, some how url is giving 404 error

here s the link

i ahve added proxy and try to tun, giving belwo error

Installing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/StackStorm_stable.list…curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out

Unable to run:

Double check your curl installation and try again.

when i try it in browser getting 404 erros for above url.


I’ve just tested that URL in my browser, and it works fine.

Connecting to returns

# this file was generated by for
# the repository at

deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main

Same via curl:

extreme@EWC:~$ apt_url=""
extreme@EWC:~$ echo $apt_url
extreme@EWC:~$ curl $apt_url
# this file was generated by for
# the repository at

deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main

My guess is that your local proxy configuration is messed up. This will be related to your Docker setup - it’s not related to the StackStorm proxy configuration. You’ll need to see what the right way is to pass a proxy to a Docker setup.

Is there a reason you’re building your own image, rather than just using the pre-built image?

We have convertedcomposer file to kubernetes using kcompose and tried to exicuted it, pods have been created, but when we login to stackstorm images, process are not started and not able see folders like /var/log etc and when we try to run docker images uing run comanand, its is hanging there, thoight porxy issues in conencting to internent to download repository.