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Workaround for Accessing config_context in a Mistral Workflow


Currently in a Mistral Workflow you can not access the config_context described here: Actions — StackStorm 2.10.1 documentation

StackStorm currently doesn’t pass this context into Mistral or provide a Jinja filter to access it.

To access the config context information in a Mistral workflow, you can simply create a new parameter in the StackStorm action metadata. This new paramter can be immutable parameter and set with default that reads from the config context.

Example :

Action metadata file

        type: "string"
        description: "Username from the pack's config"
        required: true
        immutable: true
        default: "{{ config_context.username }}"

Finally, add this new parameter as an input in your Mistral workflow, then you can access it like a normal Mistral variable.

  type: direct
    - config_username

    action: core.local
      cmd: "echo {{ _.config_username }}"

We have added a task to just fetch the pack config in the workflow.

    action: core.http
      url: "{{ env().st2_action_api_url }}/configs/{{ env()['__actions']['st2.action']['st2_context']['parent']['pack'] }}"
      method: GET
        X-Auth-Token: "{{ env()['__actions']['st2.action']['st2_context']['auth_token'] }}"
      - call_next_task

Later, you can define input or output to tasks / workflows like so:

      schema_registry_url: '<% task(pack_config).result.body.values.kafka_schema_registry_url %>'
      bootstrap_servers:   "{{ task('pack_config')['result']['body']['values']['kafka_bootstrap_servers'] }}"

Attempting to reproduce this above in orquesta - but the env() appears not to be a function there. Is there a list of all the system functions / data structures availalbe for orquesta ? I have seached the docs to no avail.

Try this doc section on StackStorm Context and Functions

Here is an Orquestra workflow that replicates the one above. The workflow context does not include an “auth token” to make the API call, so it is stored in the ST2 keystore and the name of the key is submitted as input to the workflow. It is written to pull the Pack name out of the workflow context as well but since it is using the API, it could be re-worked to have that submitted as input to the workflow as well to get config values from another Pack if needed.

version: 1.0

description: A workflow to pull the pack config values from the system using an API call over HTTPS

#   Need a valid API key to access ST2 API  #

  - api_key_name

#  Variables published by workflow on success    #

  - pack_config:
- api_key_value:

#   Output at the end of the workflow   #

  - pack_config: <% ctx().pack_config %>

#   Workflow tasks to complete   #

    action: st2.kv.get
      key: <% ctx().api_key_name %>
      decrypt: True
      - when: <% succeeded() %>
        publish: api_key_value=<% result().result %>
        do: get_pack_config
    action: core.http
      url: <% ctx().st2.api_url %>/configs/<% ctx().st2.pack %>
      method: GET
      headers: {"St2-Api-Key": <% ctx().api_key_value %>}
      params: {"show_secrets": "True"}
      - when: <% succeeded() %>
        publish: pack_config=<% result().body.values %>

The yaml file for this workflow is:

name: get_pack_config
pack: packname
description: Workflow to extract the pack config data using an HTTP api call
runner_type: orquesta
entry_point: workflows/get_pack_config.yaml
enabled: true
    required: true
    type: string
    description: Name of the keystore entry that contains a valid ST2 API key