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Error in Rule, action piece is not being performed

Fairly new to StackStorm. Trying to integrate a use case where Splunk is sending a webhook based on a particular patern over to StackStorm.

When i try to create a rule with the following, the “action” piece is not being performed.

    name: "sample_rule_with_webhook"
    pack: "examples"
    description: "Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file."
    enabled: true

        type: "core.st2.webhook"
            url: "splunk_test"

    criteria: {}
            pattern: "Start*"
            type: "matchwildcard"

        ref: "core.local"
            cmd: "echo \"{{trigger.body}}\" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync"

I can see trigger in st2 trigger-instance list and shows processed. In the rule logs i see the following:

2018-03-12 10:38:10,623 140227477546480 ERROR filter [-] There might be a problem with the criteria in rule RuleDB(action=ActionExecutionSpecDB@140227478157136(ref="core.local", parameters="{u'cmd': u'echo "{{trigger.body}}" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync'}"), criteria={u'': {u'pattern': u'Starting', u'type': u'contains'}}, description="Splunk testing", enabled=True, id=5aa15c4c77848358ca3b36d6, name="splunk_test", pack="default", ref="default.splunk_test", tags=[], trigger="core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950", type=RuleTypeSpecDB@140227478354896(ref="standard", parameters="{}"), uid="rule:default:splunk_test").
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/st2reactor/rules/", line 145, in _check_criterion
    result = op_func(value=payload_value, criteria_pattern=criteria_pattern)
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/st2common/", line 159, in contains
    return criteria_pattern in value
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable (_trigger_instance={'status': 'processing', 'occurrence_time': '2018-03-12 14:38:10.553211+00:00', 'trigger': u'core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'id': '5aa690d2778483595ab63325', 'payload': {'body': {u'results_link': u'https://abc.123.local:8000/app/search/search?q=%7Cloadjob%20rt_scheduler__john_YWxlcnRfbG9nZXZlbnQ__testing_at_1520860980_24219.409_2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A%20%7C%20head%201%20%7C%20tail%201&earliest=0&latest=now', u'app': u'alert_logevent', u'search_name': u'testing', u'result': {u'_si': [u'abc.123.local', u'os'], u'_confstr': u'source::/var/log/messages|host::abc00006|syslog', u'_time': u'1521198257', u'host': u'hlp00006', u'_sourcetype': u'syslog', u'_indextime': u'1520865490', u'_raw': u'Mar 16 07:04:17 hlp00006 systemd[1]: Starting Session 2050 of user root.', u'_serial': u'96'}, u'sid': u'rt_scheduler__john_YWxlcnRfbG9nZXZlbnQ__testing_at_1520860980_24219.409_2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A', u'owner': u'john'}, 'headers': {'X-Request-Id': 'afe33463-6ceb-4960-a9b9-c7627b381dd0', 'Accept-Encoding': 'identity', 'X-Forwarded-For': '', 'Content-Length': '763', 'User-Agent': 'Splunk/2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A', 'Host': '123,123', 'X-Real-Ip': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}},_trigger={'uid': u'trigger:core:74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950:feec5050a7553f359ba5ff7624f093c8', 'parameters': {u'url': u'splunk_test'}, 'ref': u'core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'ref_count': 1, 'name': u'74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'pack': u'core', 'type': u'core.st2.webhook', 'id': '5aa15c4977848358ca3b36d5', 'description': None},_rule={'description': u'Splunk testing', 'tags': [], 'ref': u'default.splunk_test', 'enabled': True, 'name': u'splunk_test', 'trigger': u'core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'criteria': {u'': {u'pattern': u'Starting', u'type': u'contains'}}, 'action': 'ActionExecutionSpecDB@140227478157136(ref="core.local", parameters="{u\'cmd\': u\'echo "{{trigger.body}}" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync\'}")', 'pack': u'default', 'type': 'RuleTypeSpecDB@140227478354896(ref="standard", parameters="{}")', 'id': '5aa15c4c77848358ca3b36d6', 'uid': u'rule:default:splunk_test'})
2018-03-12 10:38:10,632 140227477546480 INFO matcher [-] 0 rule(s) found to enforce for 74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950.
2018-03-12 10:38:10,632 140227477546480 INFO engine [-] Matched 0 rule(s) for trigger_instance 5aa690d2778483595ab63325 (trigger=core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950)
2018-03-12 10:38:10,632 140227477546480 INFO engine [-] No matching rules found for trigger instance 5aa690d2778483595ab63325.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

@John_P it looks like you have a typo in your criteria section (reference here: Rules — StackStorm 2.6.0 documentation)

it should be something like


The problem is the line criteria: {}. The extra {} should not be there. Instead the line should look like criteria:

1 Like

Thanks @nmaludy !

I edited the rule as follows:

    name: "test1"
    pack: "examples"
    description: "Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file."
    enabled: true

        type: "core.st2.webhook"
            url: "splunk_test1"

            pattern: "Start"
            type: "equals"

        ref: "core.local"
            cmd: "echo \"{{trigger.body}}\" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync"

However in the logs, it’s still referring to the wildcard I had above.

I tried reloading but still referring to the old rule with the wildcard

st2ctl reload
st2ctl reload --register-all
2018-03-12 13:18:02,794 139936980993840 ERROR filter [-] There might be a problem with the criteria in rule RuleDB(action=ActionExecutionSpecDB@139936985493200(ref="core.local", parameters="{u'cmd': u'echo "{{trigger.body}}" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync'}"), criteria={u'': {u'pattern': u'Start*', u'type': u'matchwildcard'}}, description="Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file.", enabled=True, id=5aa69cc6778483237724956f, name="sample_rule_with_webhook", pack="examples", ref="examples.sample_rule_with_webhook", tags=[], trigger="core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950", type=RuleTypeSpecDB@139936985492432(ref="standard", parameters="{}"), uid="rule:examples:sample_rule_with_webhook").
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/st2reactor/rules/", line 145, in _check_criterion
    result = op_func(value=payload_value, criteria_pattern=criteria_pattern)
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/st2common/", line 220, in match_wildcard
    return fnmatch.fnmatch(value, criteria_pattern)
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/", line 43, in fnmatch
    return fnmatchcase(name, pat)
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/", line 83, in fnmatchcase
    return re_pat.match(name) is not None
TypeError: expected string or buffer (_trigger_instance={'status': 'processing', 'occurrence_time': '2018-03-12 17:18:02.703268+00:00', 'trigger': u'core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'id': '5aa6b64a77848324c2e67019', 'payload': {'body': {u'results_link': u'https://abc.123.local:8000/app/search/search?q=%7Cloadjob%20rt_scheduler__john_YWxlcnRfbG9nZXZlbnQ__testing_at_1520869500_25431.260_2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A%20%7C%20head%201%20%7C%20tail%201&earliest=0&latest=now', u'app': u'alert_logevent', u'search_name': u'testing', u'result': {u'_si': [u'', u'os'], u'_confstr': u'source::/var/log/messages|host::abc301p|syslog', u'_time': u'1520875081', u'host': u'hsmjcl301p', u'_sourcetype': u'syslog', u'_indextime': u'1520875082', u'_raw': u'Mar 12 13:18:01 hsmjcl301p systemd[1]: Starting Session 14340 of user msms.', u'_serial': u'138'}, u'sid': u'rt_scheduler__speric_YWxlcnRfbG9nZXZlbnQ__testing_at_1520869500_25431.260_2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A', u'owner': u'john'}, 'headers': {'X-Request-Id': 'eba9ea2d-eda3-4388-b404-c1034de2c7ad', 'Accept-Encoding': 'identity', 'X-Forwarded-For': '', 'Content-Length': '771', 'User-Agent': 'Splunk/2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A', 'Host': 'emsa066d,emsa066d', 'X-Real-Ip': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}},_trigger={'uid': u'trigger:core:74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950:feec5050a7553f359ba5ff7624f093c8', 'parameters': {u'url': u'splunk_test'}, 'ref': u'core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'ref_count': 2, 'name': u'74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'pack': u'core', 'type': u'core.st2.webhook', 'id': '5aa15c4977848358ca3b36d5', 'description': None},_rule={'description': u'Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file.', 'tags': [], 'ref': u'examples.sample_rule_with_webhook', 'enabled': True, 'name': u'sample_rule_with_webhook', 'trigger': u'core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950', 'criteria': {u'': {u'pattern': u'Start*', u'type': u'matchwildcard'}}, 'action': 'ActionExecutionSpecDB@139936985493200(ref="core.local", parameters="{u\'cmd\': u\'echo "{{trigger.body}}" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync\'}")', 'pack': u'examples', 'type': 'RuleTypeSpecDB@139936985492432(ref="standard", parameters="{}")', 'id': '5aa69cc6778483237724956f', 'uid': u'rule:examples:sample_rule_with_webhook'})
2018-03-12 13:18:02,802 139936980993840 INFO matcher [-] 0 rule(s) found to enforce for 74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950.
2018-03-12 13:18:02,803 139936980993840 INFO engine [-] Matched 0 rule(s) for trigger_instance 5aa6b64a77848324c2e67019 (trigger=core.74017ce9-b665-4356-b8ca-bdf225786950)
2018-03-12 13:18:02,803 139936980993840 INFO engine [-] No matching rules found for trigger instance 5aa6b64a77848324c2e67019.

@John_P looks like you changed the name: parameter in the file. This is what’s used as a reference in the database. The filename is not used, except for reading the spec from disk.

You need to remove the old rule: st2 rule delete examples.sample_rule_with_webhook

1 Like

@nmaludy thanks for the reply again.

I started with a new rule name and deleted the one you suggested.

name: "splunk_test2"
pack: "examples"
description: "Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file."
enabled: true

    type: "core.st2.webhook"
        url: "splunk_test2"

        pattern: "Starting"
        type: "equals"

    ref: "core.local"
        cmd: "echo \"{{trigger.body}}\" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync"

This is the output from the log:

2018-03-12 18:16:21,268 139936984933392 INFO engine [-] Found 1 rules defined for trigger core.2070f309-c941-4968-8657-8db00dea2870
 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}},rule={'description': u'Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file.', 'tags': [], 'ref': u'examples.splunk_test2', 'enabled': True, 'name': u'splunk_test2', 'trigger': u'core.2070f309-c941-4968-8657-8db00dea2870', 'criteria': {u'': {u'pattern': u'Starting', u'type': u'equals'}}, 'action': 'ActionExecutionSpecDB@139936985668560(ref="core.local", parameters="{u\'cmd\': u\'echo "{{trigger.body}}" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync\'}")', 'pack': u'examples', 'type': 'RuleTypeSpecDB@139936985492432(ref="standard", parameters="{}")', 'id': '5aa6fa837784830ed2eae386', 'uid': u'rule:examples:splunk_test2'},trigger={'uid': u'trigger:core:2070f309-c941-4968-8657-8db00dea2870:9c3c218b0be7aaf956f7d83cca233d7b', 'parameters': {u'url': u'splunk_test2'}, 'ref': u'core.2070f309-c941-4968-8657-8db00dea2870', 'ref_count': 1, 'name': u'2070f309-c941-4968-8657-8db00dea2870', 'pack': u'core', 'type': u'core.st2.webhook', 'id': '5aa6fa837784830ed2eae385', 'description': None})
2018-03-12 18:16:21,600 139936984933392 INFO matcher [-] 0 rule(s) found to enforce for 2070f309-c941-4968-8657-8db00dea2870.
2018-03-12 18:16:21,600 139936984933392 INFO engine [-] Matched 0 rule(s) for trigger_instance 5aa6fc3377848324c2e6939f (trigger=core.2070f309-c941-4968-8657-8db00dea2870)
2018-03-12 18:16:21,600 139936984933392 INFO engine [-] No matching rules found for trigger instance 5aa6fc3377848324c2e6939f.

@John_P that looks right, I only see INFO messages. Is it working now?

You can test pretty easily: Rules — StackStorm 2.6.0 documentation

How are you testing that webhook @John_P? With curl, or from Splunk? If you’re testing it from Splunk, I don’t think will match anything. The body that you get posted from Splunk doesn’t contain that field.

Looks like this was your earlier payload:

‘payload’: {‘body’: {u’results_link’: u’https://abc.123.local:8000/app/search/search?q=|loadjob%20rt_scheduler__john_YWxlcnRfbG9nZXZlbnQ__testing_at_1520860980_24219.409_2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A%20|%20head%201%20|%20tail%201&earliest=0&latest=now’, u’app’: u’alert_logevent’, u’search_name’: u’testing’, u’result’: {u’_si’: [u’abc.123.local’, u’os’], u’_confstr’: u’source::/var/log/messages|host::abc00006|syslog’, u’_time’: u’1521198257’, u’host’: u’hlp00006’, u’_sourcetype’: u’syslog’, u’_indextime’: u’1520865490’, u’_raw’: u’Mar 16 07:04:17 hlp00006 systemd[1]: Starting Session 2050 of user root.’, u’_serial’: u’96’}, u’sid’: u’rt_scheduler__john_YWxlcnRfbG9nZXZlbnQ__testing_at_1520860980_24219.409_2D6D92F7-0525-41CB-909C-FA732D025C1A’, u’owner’: u’john’

My guess is that you’re trying to match that Starting Session part? Doesn’t look like you’ve mapped that to any splunk field, it’s only going to show up as something like trigger.body.result.raw

What you could do is just have empty criteria, dump the body out to a text file like you’re doing, then see what is contained in that body.

@nmaludy I got it to work by dumping the body to a file as per @lhill suggestion (thanks!) However if I try to specify any criteria it reads the rule but then states no rules found. I am trying to grep for “Stopped RabbitMQ broker”

    name: "splunk_test3"
    pack: "examples"
    description: "Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file."
    enabled: true

        type: "core.st2.webhook"
            url: "splunk_test3"
            pattern: "Stopped"
            type: "contains"

        ref: "core.local"
            cmd: "echo \"{{trigger.body}}\" >> ~/st2.webhook_sample.out ; sync"


2018-03-14 20:32:19.180380+00:00', 'trigger': u'core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'id': '5aa986d3778483286e43bc27', 'payload': {'body': {u'results_link': u'https://abc.123.local:8000/app/search/@go?sid=scheduler__john__search__RMD5aaf2801911994ffa_at_1521059520_151', u'app': u'search', u'search_name': u'Rabbit Down', u'result': {u'status': u'', u'protocol': u'', u'tag::eventtype': u'', u'user_type': u'', u'date_zone': u'local', u'tag': u'', u'date_minute': u'37', u'change_type': u'', u'index': u'linux_dev_rabbitmq', u'sourcetype': u'LINUX_DEV_RabbitMQ', u'vendor_product': u'', u'eventtype': u'nix-all-logs', u'_bkt': u'linux_dev_rabbitmq~178~3FEF5E72-2370-40BC-8412-AE85B3454768', u'_eventtype_color': u'none', u'splunk_server': u'', u'source': u'/var/log/messages', u'linecount': u'1', u'date_year': u'2018', u'app': u'', u'date_hour': u'15', u'product': u'', u'vendor': u'', u'ids_type': u'', u'date_second': u'40', u'date_wday': u'wednesday', u'object_category': u'', u'punct': u'__::__:___.', u'host': u'EMSCAL016D', u'_sourcetype': u'LINUX_DEV_RabbitMQ', u'_indextime': u'1521056261', u'_kv': u'1', u'splunk_server_group': u'dmc_group_indexer', u'_cd': u'178:16625884', u'_si': [u'abc.123.local', u'linux_dev_rabbitmq'], u'src': u'', u'timestartpos': u'0', u'date_month': u'march', u'enabled': u'', u'_subsecond': u'', u'unix_group': u'default', u'_time': u'1521056260', u'range': u'', u'date_mday': u'14', u'timeendpos': u'16', u'_raw': u'Mar 14 15:37:40 EMSCAL016D systemd: Stopped RabbitMQ broker.', u'unix_category': u'all_hosts', u'_serial': u'0', u'tag::app': u''}, u'sid': u'scheduler__john__search__RMD5aaf2801911994ffa_at_1521059520_151', u'owner': u'john'}, 'headers': {'X-Request-Id': '14b90084-4c96-4a8d-ba0a-e2000f7311a0', 'Accept-Encoding': 'identity', 'X-Forwarded-For': '', 'Content-Length': '1486', 'User-Agent': 'Splunk/FDDD4C40-0DD9-40BE-9660-82A901EE9441', 'Host': 'emsa066d,emsa066d', 'X-Real-Ip': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}},rule={'description': u'Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file.', 'tags': [], 'ref': u'examples.splunk_test3', 'enabled': True, 'name': u'splunk_test3', 'trigger': u'core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'criteria': {u'trigger.result': {u'pattern': u'Stopped', u'type': u'regex'}}, 'action': 'ActionExecutionSpecDB@139666330751952(ref="core.local", parameters="{u\'cmd\': u\'touch /abc.txt\', u\'cwd\': u\'/tmp\'}")', 'pack': u'examples', 'type': 'RuleTypeSpecDB@139666330752848(ref="standard", parameters="{}")', 'id': '5aa984eb7784833651eafa40', 'uid': u'rule:examples:splunk_test3'},trigger={'uid': u'trigger:core:f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17:d9fa276bb6d2248cff2712a30c1460ed', 'parameters': {u'url': u'splunk_test3'}, 'ref': u'core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'ref_count': 1, 'name': u'f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'pack': u'core', 'type': u'core.st2.webhook', 'id': '5aa984eb7784833651eafa3f', 'description': None})
2018-03-14 16:32:19,287 139666326579472 ERROR filter [-] There might be a problem with the criteria in rule RuleDB(action=ActionExecutionSpecDB@139666330751952(ref="core.local", parameters="{u'cmd': u'touch /abc.txt', u'cwd': u'/tmp'}"), criteria={u'trigger.result': {u'pattern': u'Stopped', u'type': u'regex'}}, description="Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file.", enabled=True, id=5aa984eb7784833651eafa40, name="splunk_test3", pack="examples", ref="examples.splunk_test3", tags=[], trigger="core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17", type=RuleTypeSpecDB@139666330752848(ref="standard", parameters="{}"), uid="rule:examples:splunk_test3").
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/st2reactor/rules/", line 145, in _check_criterion
    result = op_func(value=payload_value, criteria_pattern=criteria_pattern)
  File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/st2common/", line 237, in regex
    return is not None
TypeError: expected string or buffer (_trigger_instance={'status': 'processing', 'occurrence_time': '2018-03-14 20:32:19.180380+00:00', 'trigger': u'core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'id': '5aa986d3778483286e43bc27', 'payload': {'body': {u'results_link': u'https://abc.123.local:8000/app/search/@go?sid=scheduler__john__search__RMD5aaf2801911994ffa_at_1521059520_151', u'app': u'search', u'search_name': u'Rabbit Down', u'result': {u'status': u'', u'protocol': u'', u'tag::eventtype': u'', u'user_type': u'', u'date_zone': u'local', u'tag': u'', u'date_minute': u'37', u'change_type': u'', u'index': u'linux_dev_rabbitmq', u'sourcetype': u'LINUX_DEV_RabbitMQ', u'vendor_product': u'', u'eventtype': u'nix-all-logs', u'_bkt': u'linux_dev_rabbitmq~178~3FEF5E72-2370-40BC-8412-AE85B3454768', u'_eventtype_color': u'none', u'splunk_server': u'abc.123.local', u'source': u'/var/log/messages', u'linecount': u'1', u'date_year': u'2018', u'app': u'', u'date_hour': u'15', u'product': u'', u'vendor': u'', u'ids_type': u'', u'date_second': u'40', u'date_wday': u'wednesday', u'object_category': u'', u'punct': u'__::__:___.', u'host': u'EMSCAL016D', u'_sourcetype': u'LINUX_DEV_RabbitMQ', u'_indextime': u'1521056261', u'_kv': u'1', u'splunk_server_group': u'dmc_group_indexer', u'_cd': u'178:16625884', u'_si': [u'abc.123.local', u'linux_dev_rabbitmq'], u'src': u'', u'timestartpos': u'0', u'date_month': u'march', u'enabled': u'', u'_subsecond': u'', u'unix_group': u'default', u'_time': u'1521056260', u'range': u'', u'date_mday': u'14', u'timeendpos': u'16', u'_raw': u'Mar 14 15:37:40 EMSCAL016D systemd: Stopped RabbitMQ broker.', u'unix_category': u'all_hosts', u'_serial': u'0', u'tag::app': u''}, u'sid': u'scheduler__john__search__RMD5aaf2801911994ffa_at_1521059520_151', u'owner': u'john'}, 'headers': {'X-Request-Id': '14b90084-4c96-4a8d-ba0a-e2000f7311a0', 'Accept-Encoding': 'identity', 'X-Forwarded-For': '', 'Content-Length': '1486', 'User-Agent': 'Splunk/FDDD4C40-0DD9-40BE-9660-82A901EE9441', 'Host': 'emsa066d,emsa066d', 'X-Real-Ip': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}},_trigger={'uid': u'trigger:core:f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17:d9fa276bb6d2248cff2712a30c1460ed', 'parameters': {u'url': u'splunk_test3'}, 'ref': u'core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'ref_count': 1, 'name': u'f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'pack': u'core', 'type': u'core.st2.webhook', 'id': '5aa984eb7784833651eafa3f', 'description': None},_rule={'description': u'Sample rule dumping webhook payload to a file.', 'tags': [], 'ref': u'examples.splunk_test3', 'enabled': True, 'name': u'splunk_test3', 'trigger': u'core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17', 'criteria': {u'trigger.result': {u'pattern': u'Stopped', u'type': u'regex'}}, 'action': 'ActionExecutionSpecDB@139666330751952(ref="core.local", parameters="{u\'cmd\': u\'touch /abc.txt\', u\'cwd\': u\'/tmp\'}")', 'pack': u'examples', 'type': 'RuleTypeSpecDB@139666330752848(ref="standard", parameters="{}")', 'id': '5aa984eb7784833651eafa40', 'uid': u'rule:examples:splunk_test3'})
2018-03-14 16:32:19,304 139666326579472 INFO matcher [-] 0 rule(s) found to enforce for f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17.
2018-03-14 16:32:19,305 139666326579472 INFO engine [-] Matched 0 rule(s) for trigger_instance 5aa986d3778483286e43bc27 (trigger=core.f7542b9a-9d6a-4ea7-9629-00046a7cce17)
2018-03-14 16:32:19,305 139666326579472 INFO engine [-] No matching rules found for trigger instance 5aa986d3778483286e43bc27.

When you had no criteria, and dumped the body to file, what did it look like?

My guess is that you need to have criteria matching on trigger.result.raw, not just trigger.result.

@lhill this is what the body looks like:

| Property        | Value                                                        |
| id              | 5aa981df778483286e43bbdf                                     |
| trigger         | core.3222deb2-95dd-4e9c-8bb7-8fd5ea83b1bf                    |
| occurrence_time | 2018-03-14T20:11:11.421000Z                                  |
| payload         | {                                                            |
|                 |     "body": {                                                |
|                 |         "results_link": "https://abc.123.local:80 |
|                 | 00/app/search/@go?sid=scheduler__abc.123__search__RMD5aaf2801|
|                 | 911994ffa_at_1521058260_99738",                              |
|                 |         "app": "search",                                     |
|                 |         "search_name": "Rabbit Down",                        |
|                 |         "result": {                                          |
|                 |             "status": "",                                    |
|                 |             "protocol": "",                                  |
|                 |             "tag::eventtype": "",                            |
|                 |             "user_type": "",                                 |
|                 |             "date_zone": "local",                            |
|                 |             "tag": "",                                       |
|                 |             "date_minute": "37",                             |
|                 |             "change_type": "",                               |
|                 |             "index": "linux_dev_rabbitmq",                   |
|                 |             "sourcetype": "LINUX_DEV_RabbitMQ",              |
|                 |             "vendor_product": "",                            |
|                 |             "eventtype": "nix-all-logs",                     |
|                 |             "_bkt": "linux_dev_rabbitmq~178~3FEF5E72-2370-40 |
|                 | BC-8412-AE85B3454768",                                       |
|                 |             "_eventtype_color": "none",                      |
|                 |             "splunk_server": "abc.123.local",                |
|                 |             "source": "/var/log/messages",                   |
|                 |             "linecount": "1",                                |
|                 |             "date_year": "2018",                             |
|                 |             "app": "",                                       |
|                 |             "date_hour": "15",                               |
|                 |             "product": "",                                   |
|                 |             "vendor": "",                                    |
|                 |             "ids_type": "",                                  |
|                 |             "date_second": "40",                             |
|                 |             "date_wday": "wednesday",                        |
|                 |             "object_category": "",                           |
|                 |             "punct": "__::__:___.",                          |
|                 |             "host": "ABC016D",                               |
|                 |             "_sourcetype": "LINUX_DEV_RabbitMQ",             |
|                 |             "unix_category": "all_hosts",                    |
|                 |             "_kv": "1",                                      |
|                 |             "splunk_server_group": "dmc_group_indexer",      |
|                 |             "_cd": "178:16625884",                           |
|                 |             "_si": [                                         |
|                 |                 "abc.123.local",                             |
|                 |                 "linux_dev_rabbitmq"                         |
|                 |             ],                                               |
|                 |             "src": "",                                       |
|                 |             "timestartpos": "0",                             |
|                 |             "date_month": "march",                           |
|                 |             "enabled": "",                                   |
|                 |             "_subsecond": "",                                |
|                 |             "unix_group": "default",                         |
|                 |             "_time": "1521056260",                           |
|                 |             "range": "",                                     |
|                 |             "date_mday": "14",                               |
|                 |             "timeendpos": "16",                              |
|                 |             "_raw": "Mar 14 15:37:40 ABC016D systemd:        |
|                 | Stopped RabbitMQ broker.",                                   |
|                 |             "_indextime": "1521056261",                      |
|                 |             "_serial": "0",                                  |
|                 |             "tag::app": ""                                   |
|                 |         },                                                   |
|                 |         "sid": "scheduler__abc.123__search__RMD5aaf2801911994|
|                 | ffa_at_1521058260_99738",                                    |
|                 |         "owner": "abc.123"                                   |
|                 |     },                                                       |
|                 |     "headers": {                                             |
|                 |         "X-Request-Id": "dcef5321-b022-47be-                 |
|                 | 9ce8-314af41aaf73",                                          |
|                 |         "Accept-Encoding": "identity",                       |
|                 |         "X-Forwarded-For": "",                   |
|                 |         "Content-Length": "1490",                            |
|                 |         "User-Agent":                                        |
|                 | "Splunk/FDDD4C40-0DD9-40BE-9660-82A901EE9441",               |
|                 |         "Host": "abc66d,abc66d",                             |
|                 |         "X-Real-Ip": "",                            |
|                 |         "Content-Type": "application/json"                   |
|                 |     }                                                        |
|                 | }                                                            |
| status          | processed                                                    |

So your criteria was searching on trigger.result - from the above output, I would probably be looking at something like trigger.body.result._raw.

(also: this forum supports formatting for code & logs)

@lhill that did the trick, thank you very much!!!

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