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Stackstorm Chatops with Hangouts Chat

Hello Team,

We are planning to use Hangouts Chat as a messenger for our Operations team.

Currently, we are using Slack with hubot in Stackstorm for Chatops driven automation.

We would like to check the possibility of Chatops with Hangouts Chat.

So that we can migrate our Chatops automation to use the Hangouts Chat.


Hangouts are currently not supported (we primarily officially only support Slack and Microsoft teams), but other community members have been able to integrate it with other chat platforms such as Cisco Spark (Cisco Spark integration for StackStorm - StackStorm) and Mattermost.

If you can find a Hubot adapter for Hangounts Chat, it’s possible you may be able to get it to work.

From a quick search around Google, it looks like an adapter does exist ( so it may be possible to get it to work.