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⚠️ We've moved!

Hi there!

To reduce project dependency on 3rd party paid services the StackStorm TSC has decided to move the Q/A from this forum to Github Discussions. This will make user experience better integrated with the native Github flow, as well as the questions closer to the community where they can provide answers.

Use 🔗 Github Discussions to ask your questions.


Hi All,

I am new to this tool and i want to understand the end to end workflow , please help me with some DOC or videos which can be useful for me.

Thanks in advance.

Anushree, the best place to start is

The easiest install options are the “one liner” Installation — StackStorm 3.2.0 documentation and Vagrant install Vagrant & Virtual Appliance — StackStorm 3.2.0 documentation

Work your way down on the left hand side, it is organized in logical order of how you should progress.

Additionally i have a tutorial that i wrote (do this after you go through GitHub - EncoreTechnologies/stackstorm-tutorial: Hands-on tutorial for getting started with StackStorm

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@nmaludy Love the tutorial part!