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Web UI - Click PACKS show nothing

Hi Team,

I clicked the “PACKS” in Web UI, but show nothing, all the requests seems ok.

Don’t know why, I use the st2web-2.6.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Is this your system where you have installed every single pack?

I installed the packs in this path
and I can see the packs when I run the cmd from CLI

st2 pack list
| ref                | name               | description              | version | author                   |
| acos               | acos               | StackStorm pack for      | 0.2.4   | Hiroyasu OHYAMA          |
|                    |                    | ACOS-based appliances of |         |                          |
|                    |                    | A10 Networks.            |         |                          |
| activecampaign     | activecampaign     | Integration with         | 0.3.2   | DoriftoShoes             |
|                    |                    | ActiveCampaign           |         |                          |
| activedirectory    | activedirectory    | StackStorm integration   | 0.1.2   | Encore Technologies      |
|                    |                    | pack for working with    |         |                          |
|                    |                    | Microsoft Active         |         |                          |
|                    |                    | Directory.               |         |                          |
| alertlogic         | alertlogic         | AlertLogic               | 0.2.1   | Jon Middleton            |
|                    |                    | ActiveIntegration APIs   |         |                          |
| ansible            | ansible            | st2 content pack         | 0.5.3   | StackStorm, Inc.         |

and in WEB UI actually we can see the packs response, but show nothing

What browser are you using? Can you provide steps to reproduce? Are there any errors in the JavaScript console?

My browser is Chrome, the version is 55.0.2883.87
I just installed all packs(140+ packs), no errors in JS console.
This PACKS UI just showing uninstalled packs?

yes I installed all the packs (140+)

This PACKS UI just showing uninstalled packs?

No, it should show Installed & Available packs, in separate groups.

I would imagine this is related to all the packs being installed. I’ll need to do that to reproduce. We can use the issue created for performance to track.

I use one script to clone all the packs to /opt/stackstorm/packs/ path

python orgs StackStorm-Exchange

then installed them.


    skip_array=(chatops core default linux packs)
    for dir in $(ls /opt/stackstorm/packs/); do
        [ -d $dir ] && echo $dir
        if [[ "${skip_array[@]/$dir/}" != "${skip_array[@]}" ]]; then
        /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/virtualenv -p /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/python --system-site-packages /opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/$dir
        /opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/$dir/bin/pip install -U -r /opt/stackstorm/packs/$dir/requirements.txt